

EMS / Cavitation 45 minutes

Price: R250



This service is sold in a package of 12 sessions for R1800.

EMS (Electro Muscle Stimulation) for Weight Loss and Firming:

Unleash the power of technology in sculpting your dream physique with our EMS (Electro Muscle Stimulation) program. Designed to supercharge your workout, EMS targets muscles directly, intensifying contractions for maximum impact. Whether you’re aiming to shed stubborn kilograms or tighten and tone, EMS offers a dynamic solution. Experience accelerated calorie burn, enhanced muscle definition, and increased metabolism in sessions tailored to your goals. Elevate your fitness journey with EMS and unveil the confident, sculpted body you deserve.

Cavitation for Fat Dissolving:

Discover the science of effortless fat loss with our innovative cavitation treatment. Say goodbye to stubborn bulges and embrace a sleeker silhouette without surgery or downtime. Utilizing advanced ultrasonic technology, cavitation breaks down fat cells, leaving surrounding tissues unharmed. Watch inches melt away and contours redefine as this non-invasive procedure targets trouble spots with precision. Experience a smoother, more contoured body and reclaim your confidence with our cavitation therapy. Transform your figure and embrace a more sculpted, radiant you.